Line – Off – Line

Results of the performative drawing walk
Material: paper phones, mobile phones, graphite pencils, sandglass, suitcase, socks, participants and large map
Zone2Source, Amstelpark, Amsterdam(NL)
part of the exhibition Mind Your Step
concept: Liesje van den Berk
photo’s by: Tom Janssen

In the performative drawing walk “Line – off – line”, Liesje van den Berk asks the participants to temporarily replace their telephone for a blank paper telephone and graphite pencil to walk and draw in silence and concentration in the Amstelpark. During the walk Liesje gives specific sensory drawing instructions. Drawing becomes a way to actively experience the richness of one’s environment, and to truly connect. By sharing drawings, Liesje creates a dialogue between the participants about their environment. Slowly the individuals become a group. At the end, the participants share one of their drawings on a map of the Amstelpark. These drawings are left behind in the Amstelpark to show a part of the walk, a memory of a moment, to the other visitors of the park.